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Miami Nature PLAYschool
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Consumption:  Wash first, you can eat the leaves or make an infusion

  • Helps boost the immune system because of its vitamin C and A properties as well as antioxidants which help protect the body against free radicals.

  • Improves digestion because it has diuretic properties which improves bowel and bladder functions.

  • Reduce high blood pressure with the help of micronutrients known as polyphenols that help fight cardiovascular diseases.

  • Help improve skin conditions because it is packed with vitamin A and C, hence why the cranberry hibiscus can help fight acne, scars, eczema, sunburn and even skin allergies.

Offers liver protection - Anthocyanin along with polyphenols helps with liver protection and fighting inflammation.



Consumption:  You can rub the leaves to confirm if a citric smell comes out before harvesting. You can boil the leaves for infusion or smash the leaves to use the oil as a topic ointment.


  • Lemongrass contains quercetin, a flavonoid known for having antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Quercetin reduces inflammation, which inhibits cancer cell growth and prevents heart disease.

  • Reduced Cholesterol- Lemongrass is used in Africa as a treatment for coronary heart disease. One study conducted a seven-day treatment of lemongrass extract on rats, which resulted in elevated cholesterol levels decreasing significantly.

  • Topical Antifungal - Lemongrass essential oil has shown antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects when applied topically. Researchers tested the topical application of lemongrass oil on fungal infections and inflammatory skin conditions in mice. Although it showed promise as an effective treatment for skin conditions, more research needs to be conducted.

  • E. Coli Infection - E. coli bacterial infections can cause food poisoning if you eat contaminated foods. It can also cause urinary tract infections and pneumonia. One study found that lemongrass extract effectively reduces the toxicity of E. coli cultures and can help treat bacterial infections in the digestive tract.

  • Skin Irritant - Lemongrass oil can irritate the skin when applied topically. If you experience an allergic reaction after applying the oil to your skin, you may also want to avoid consuming lemongrass orally.

  • Pregnancy  -  sources claim that pregnant women should avoid lemongrass. While evidence that lemongrass can trigger menstrual flow is lacking, there is some concern that lemongrass could cause a miscarriage. 


Consumption: ONLY after naturally opening – while CLOSED is toxic for human consumption.

  • The fruit is pear-shaped and has 3 lobes (2–4 lobes are common).[10] When it ripens it turns from green to a bright red to yellow-orange and splits open to reveal three large, shiny black seeds, each partly surrounded by soft, creamy or spongy, white to yellow flesh — the aril having a nut-like flavor and texture of scrambled eggs.

  • The ackee is allowed to open fully before picking in order to eliminate toxicity. When it has "yawned" or "smiled", the seeds are discarded and the fresh, firm arils are parboiled in salted water or milk, and may be fried in butter to create a dish.

  • Other Uses:

The fruit has various uses in West Africa and in rural areas of the Caribbean Islands, including use of its "soap" properties as a laundering agent or fish poison.[2] The fragrant flowers may be used as decoration or cologne, and the durable heartwood used for construction, pilings, oars, paddles and casks.[2] In African traditional medicine, the ripe arils, leaves or bark were used to treat minor ailments


Consumption: Eat the fruit when ripe (yellow) – Leaves as infusion or extract  

The possible health benefits of consuming papaya include a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, aiding in digestion, improving blood glucose control in people with diabetes, lowering blood pressure, and improving wound healing.

Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which can break down the tough protein chains found in muscle meat. Because of this, people have used papaya to tenderize meat for thousands of years.

If the papaya is ripe, it can be eaten raw. However, unripe papaya should always be cooked before eating — especially during pregnancy, as the unripe fruit is high in latex, which can stimulate contractions.

Papayas also contain healthy antioxidants known as carotenoids — particularly one type called lycopene.

What’s more, your body absorbs these beneficial antioxidants better from papayas than other fruits and vegetables.

Studies note that fermented papaya can reduce oxidative stress in older adults and people with prediabetes, mild hypothyroidism and liver disease.


Papaya leaf is often used in Mexican folk medicine as a natural therapy for treating diabetes and improving blood sugar control.

One of the most prominent medicinal benefits of papaya leaf is its potential to treat certain symptoms associated with dengue fever.


Papaya leaf teas and extracts are often used as an alternative therapy to alleviate uncomfortable digestive symptoms, such as gas, bloating, and heartburn.

Various papaya leaf preparations are frequently used to remedy a broad range of internal and external inflammatory conditions, including skin rashes, muscle aches, and joint pain.

Topical applications of papaya leaf masks and juices are often used to improve hair growth and scalp health, but evidence to support its efficacy for these purposes is extremely limited.



  • The extract comes from the seeds of the tree and has many different traditional uses. Neem is known for its pesticidal and insecticidal properties, but people also use it in hair and dental products.

  • Neem oil is a common pest repellant, effective against sand fleas, mosquitoes and lice when mixed with the shampoo.

  • Neem is a strong antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals that may influence the development of some conditions. It is also a strong anti-inflammatory agent.

Neem has antimicrobial effects and may be effective against several types of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.


Consumption: Whole

All parts of the nasturtium plant are edible: flowersleavesstems, and young seed pods (mature seed pods have a very hard, unpleasant seed inside). All of these parts have a distinct peppery flavor similar to radishes. That bite is strongest in the seeds and lightest in the flowers. The leaves can sometimes have a very slight bitter taste that isn't present in the rest of the plant.

While the whole nasturtium plant is edible, each part has various uses, like using the stems in place of chives or large leaves as wraps.

Nasturtium stems are crisp, yet tender. They are very similar to the texture of fresh chives. The stems can be used to replace chives in any recipe where you want to add nasturtium's characteristic bite.


The leaves have a generic green plant-like taste (like a lot of salad greens), with the sharp peppery bite that shows up several seconds later. The leaves can sometimes have just a slightly bitter taste on the finish as well. I can't taste a difference between the small and large leave


Nasturtium seed pods are also edible and have the strongest flavor. Seed pods grow in groups of three and hide on long stems under the foliage. Pick them anytime they are green and still slightly soft. Avoid the mature yellow ones that have dried out (which contain a very hard, unpleasant tasting seed).


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