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Executive Function and Challenging Behavior
Speaker: Ellen Galinsky
Reframing the Meaning of Community in Changing Times
Speaker: Caylin Gans - Starts at Minute 25
Risky Play
Author: Rusty Keeler
Gratitude, Mindfulness, and Loving Kindness
Speakers: Monica French & Jessica Gruber
The Book, the Child, and the Adult
Speaker: Isabel Baker & Amy E. Vandament
Naturally Ready for Kindergarten
Speaker: Monica Wiedel & Amanda McMickle
Using Mindfulness With Children of All Abilities to Keep Connections Strong
Speaker: Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak
How to Create Experiences WITH Young Children Rather Than Planning Activities FOR Them
Speaker: Jacky Howell
How Young Children Acquire Skills for Life
Speaker: Patricia Leon
Como son adquiridas las habilidades para la vida por los ninos pequenos
Speaker: Patricia Leon
Flourishing Children, Healthy Communities and Strong Nation
Early Years Climate Change Organization Report
Incorporating nature into education can build skills and improve mental health
Audio Conversation
Nature Deficit Disorder & The Power of Collective Vision
Speaker: Richard Louv
How Our Schools Thwart Passions
Speaker: Peter Gray
Self Directed Education. What Is It, How Does It Work?
Author: Peter Gray
Neuroscience, AI and the Future of Education
Speakers: Scott Bolland
The End of Play: Why Kids Need Unstructured Time
Speaker: Peter Gray
Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
Speaker: Tim Urban
Kids in Nature: Growing Outdoors
Speaker: Richard Louv
Nature Deficit Disorder & The Power of Collective Vision
Speaker: Richard Louv
Why forests make us happy
Author: Patrick Barkham
Ready and Resilient!
Nefertiti B. Poyner
Promoting pro-social and pro-ecological behaviours at Forest School
FSA Ambassador, Jon Cree
Parkour and Rough Play
Rafe Kelley with Jordan Peterson
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