Project Wild Florida - University of Sarasota
Attended by: FK Mentors & Program Director
July 2019, Sarasota, FL
In July, a group of MNP mentors made the trek to University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee for a Project WILD/Aquatic professional development workshop hosted by the Center for Partnerships in Arts-Integrated Teaching (commonly referred to as PAInT).
We explored the idea of “learning to look and looking to see” and created observation journals that we used on several walks around the beautiful campus. The walks served as provocations for experimenting with various approaches nature journalling—illustration, prose, poetry and collage, to name a few. We also played with drama and craft-making as vehicles for deep engagement with and understanding of nature.
For those of you unfamiliar with these organizations, Project WILD is an interdisciplinary conservation and environmental education program sponsored by the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission. It capitalizes on the natural interest that children have in wildlife by providing hands-on activities that enhance student learning in all subject and skill areas. PAInT is a state-wide resource in arts-integrated teaching and learning. It encourages learning to happen in ways that meet students’ own unique cultural, social, emotional, and intellectual needs